Betti and Maestros story
2014-02-24 @ 18:35:00
One winter, a friend of mine, told me about a small private zoo with horses, which was just 6 km from where I lived. So the same day I asked my father to take us there. When I stepped out of the car, I Immediately saw the horses and quickly went closer to see them. There were 2 foals playing together in the snow, and one of them was just stunning, he was so full of energy and happy to be outside. And he was completely black (I have always had a thing with black and gray horses). I think we were there watching and taking pictures of them the rest of the day. We also talked to the owner, who really liked the idea, that we wanted to go there every day, to ride the horses and just brush the foals and walk/play with them. By that time I had already been riding for about 6 years I think. So from that day on, me and my sister went there every day.
A few months later, a woman wanted to buy the horse my sister really liked. We went home and she was just crushed. She cried all night and so the next day my father decided to buy the horses. Our parents gave us a long lecture that we have to take care of them every day and that it is a big responsibility etc. But we were just thrilled. So our father came with us to the stables and told the owner that we would like to buy both horses. This was probably the happiest day of my life. Maestro was just 1 year old at that time. We stayed at that stable for about 1,5 years. We trained the other horses at the stable, and taught little Shetland ponys to ride. Every day I went for a walk with Maestro and just brushed him and played with him because he was just so young. At that stable was the first time for him to have his shoes done. I still have a little piece of his hind white hoof in a box at home from the first time. (You probably think I’m nuts, who would keep something like that :D)

From the right, Maestro with his mother Hame

from the left Maestros halfsister Missandra (same father), mother Hame and little Maestro
After 1,5 years we left because we had some troubles with the owners husband. We walked with the horses by our side to the next stable, which was just 1 km from there. We were there for a week and searched a new stable for us. Then we found one 15 km from our home. We borrowed a trailer from the new stable and went to load the horses. There were no problem with loading my sisters horse, but Maestro was a bit afraid of the trailer. We tried and tried and tried to get him on the trailer, but he just wouldn’t go. I tried with carrots and all treats but he still wouldn’t get in, although he was crazy about treats. Then an accident happened and the cut his face really badly so we had to call the vet. The vet came and stitched the wound and we had to postpone the transport. Next day the owner of the new stable came to help us load Maestro and finally he got him on the trailer. But after that cut he was really scared of loading. But at the new stable we practiced loading every day, so eventually we got through it.
At the new stable we had a really nice trainer. At first I stared lunging Maestro (he’s really good with voice commands) and after a while I introduced him with saddle. Then I started to accustom him with my weight and after that my trainer started to train him. He rode him for about ten times and then we started riding together. He developed very quickly and he was so easy to ride. Then we were just having fun for some time, he was still quite young and I didn’t want to ask much from him. I wanted him to enjoy his childhood. Then at some point our trainer went to another stable and we were alone for a little while. Then I accidently found a new trainer for us, Birgit Nurmik, who trains under James Caudry. I met her at a dressage competition which was held in our stable. So from that day we started training harder. She really liked Maestro and we got along so well. She taught me how to ride properly and how everything is actually so simple and easy. In her trainings, and with her tips Maestro was just amazing, not that he hadn’t been before, but everything went even better.

My trainer. First time in saddle

Betti and Maestro
Then it was time for our first competition. I was so nervous, I don’t know, I can’t describe it, and that’s probably the reason why it didn’t go so well. We didn’t finish that competition because I think Maestro felt that I was nervous, so he was scared and nervous too. He was just so scared of the judges, that we couldn’t ride pass them. But the next competition went better and we came fourth. After that, the other competitions went well.
Everything was so perfect with him and I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. He was my everything. But then it went busy at school, and I also played tennis 5 times a week and I lost my way. I had no time at all (think this is my fault, just looking for excuses), and I don’t know what I was thinking, but at some point I decided that he deserves better, he deserves someone that goes to the stable every day, even if things are crazy outside the stable. I just thought that the best thing for him is to find him a new owner, someone who loves him as much as I do (I am literally crying right now, that I write that). So, one day, the owner of the stable, Paul, told me, that he had found someone who would like to buy him. And then it hit me, that I’m going to lose him, I was so sad but I kept telling myself that this was the best thing to do. So January 25, 2011 I had my last training with him. I bought him a load on carrots and everything and promised that I would send him away the next day. I talked with Paul, and told him that he have to call me, when he was going away next day, and he promised to call me. In the next morning I was eating and then Paul called me, and asked where I was, because Sanna Lahdensuo (who had bought him) was already there, loading Maestro and they were ready to go, but they needed his passport. So I quickly put on my clothes and started driving to meet them halfway to the port. I gave her his passport and I could only see Maestro from the camera, but I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye. So time passed and I was trying to find him, how was he doing and etc. But I couldn’t find anything. But luckily one day my mother came to me and said that she found a blog about Maestro. And since then I’ve been reading it regularly to see how he is doing.

Wooww, long story, I hope I didn’t miss something, but it is so hard to put it in words. Okay, I’ll try say something about him in general. When he was little, he was really playful, like all the foals are, but At the same time, he knew when he had to behave He really liked hugging and just being around people. He also has a very big and loving heart. He is just so kind and he forgives you everything. When in training, he always tried his best, and really worked hard to please you. Of course there were some ups and downs, but it happens. Sometimes he was naughty and played tricks, and he also stole carrots. All in all, it is really hard to say what he was like, he was just a big big friend who was always there if I needed him. A big heart is what characterizes him the best.
THE QUESTIONS YOU READERS WANTED ASWERS TO. Some of them are answered in the story.
What does Betti think about following Maestros life through the blog?
I think that it is great to read about him on the blog, because I can see and read how he does, and what’s happening in his life. I think I couldn’t bare the fact that I don’t know anything about him. Of course, sometimes it makes me sad, because start to regret that I sold him, but the fact that he is doing great makes everything better.
What made you sell Maestro to Finland?
Now I regret it, but at the time, I thought that’s the best thing for him. And I wanted to sell to Finland because I knew that horses have a better life there than here in Estonia. At least I think so.
His parents etc.
His mothers name was Hame, an Old Tori, which is a heavy warmblood horse. She was mostly just a breeding horse. She also pulled the sleigh and rode in the saddle a little. But she was really numb in the front and had a light back, so she was always trying to get rid of you. She was in the same stable with us, when we bought our horses. His father is Mahhib, from who he got his color and his temper when he’s scared. His father was bought to the stable with Maestros grandmother Musi (trans: Kiss), but I didn’t have the opportunity to meet him. When he was two a Russian bought him as a decoration on the pasture. She just liked him, but she wasn’t a rider or something. After some time he was sold to Finland, but they had some trouble saddling him, no one couldn’t hold on hard enough, and now no one knows where he is .
Was Maestro a stallion when you bought him?
No, he was already a gelding. When I asked the owner, why he wasn’t a stallion anymore, she told me that he was crazy. That he had jumped through the horse box door. Doesn’t sound like him, but that I was told.
Are you still riding, and do I have a new horse?
I’m not riding regularly any more, but I still ride from time to time. I don’t have a new horse, but my younger sister, who rides in Germany right now, bought herself a new one about half a year ago. I just cut him a month ago, and that remembered me the first time when I cut Maestro. Fur all over me
Am I going to visit him?
I hope to visit him in the beginning of March, when I come to Finland. And of course I hope he would remember me, but I try not to get my hopes up. It’s been three years already, but some people keep saying me that he will remember. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
What was I hoping for when I sold him?
Most of all, I wished that he would get a great owner. That wish has come true now, And I would like to see him competing in dressage.
Do I regret selling him?

Postat av: Neapocalypse - ・゚♥ ✞ - alternativ blogg & hästblogg ♥
Intressant historia, jättebra inlägg ♥
Postat av: Emilia
Dethär va jätteintressant att läsa :D